
Empowering Facile.it to Soar New Heights with Temy

Empowering Progress: The Temy and Facile.it Success Story” unfolds the remarkable tale of a strategic partnership that revolutionized online comparison in Italy. This narrative unravels how Temy, a globally-acclaimed software company, teamed up with Facile.it, Italy’s leading comparison site, and propelled it to uncharted heights of customer satisfaction, technological innovation, and market leadership


Location, FoundedItaly, 2008

IndustryFin Tech

Partnership PeriodJul 2021 – ongoing

Team Size4 Software Engineers



The Genesis and Evolution of Facile.it

The Italian tech market witnessed a transformation in 2011 when Facile.it made its debut in the heart of Lombardia, Milano. The aim was simple, yet ambitious – to become the top comparison site in Italy. Fast forward to today, Facile.it stands as a bridge between technology, information, and the internet industry, becoming an essential tool for millions of Italians to save on home expenses and personal finance.

Birthed by experienced professionals who identified a unique market niche, Facile.it launched as a multichannel platform. It provided customers with a unique opportunity to compare deals on a range of offerings, including insurance, loans, mortgages, home internet rates, energy, telecommunication, and automobiles. The offering was diverse, aiming to cover every potential area where Italians could save by making informed decisions.

Despite having a firm foothold as a market leader, Facile.it, like any growing tech firm, experienced its set of challenges. The tech industry, known for its rapid developments and competitive landscape, required Facile.it to consistently evolve and stay ahead of the curve. Recognizing this need, Facile.it decided to join hands with an equally ambitious tech partner, marking the beginning of a new journey.

The Symbiotic Alliance: The Facile.it and Temy Partnership

In July 2021, Facile.it chose to unite with Temy, a decision driven by the need for a partner proficient in modern tech solutions. Temy, renowned for its talented team of engineers, offered a wealth of knowledge and hands-on expertise in cutting-edge technologies like ReactJS, TypeScript, and PHP. These technologies were not only critical to Facile.it’s operations but also were integral to maintaining its competitive edge.

While the partnership promised a harmonious union of shared knowledge and resources, the initial phase was a learning curve for both teams. They faced the typical challenges that come with any new alliance, such as establishing clear communication channels and aligning on project objectives. Despite these initial hiccups, the teams soon found a common rhythm, enabling them to work together efficiently and cohesively. As the collaboration matured, the teams experienced seamless integration, leading to exciting innovations and success.


Making Strides Together: Temy’s Significant Contributions

One of the most critical milestones of this partnership was Temy’s contribution to the development of a new website feature for Facile.it. The new feature allowed customers to compare and select the best deals across multiple sectors – a user-friendly interface that allowed Facile.it to further its customer-oriented approach.

Temy’s engineers, with their unique skills and creative minds, designed this feature to seamlessly integrate with the existing website. Not only did this reduce the transition time for customers, but it also boosted the overall customer experience, allowing users to reap the benefits of this feature immediately.

As the partnership evolved and trust deepened, Facile.it began to increasingly rely on Temy’s team. This led to the inclusion of additional engineers to the team, enabling Temy to shoulder larger projects and provide even more value to Facile.it. With a larger team, Temy could delve deeper into the tech sphere, offer innovative ideas, and implement the latest industry trends, allowing Facile.it to stay ahead of the curve.

Enhanced Functionality and Customer Experience

Facile.it, being a comparison website, is rooted in its ability to empower users to save money on home and personal expenses. Temy, with its software development expertise, has significantly boosted this primary function by enhancing Facile.it’s features and user experience.

Facile.it’s functionality expansion includes a comparison engine that allows users to compare a vast array of products and services from various providers, personalized recommendations driven by algorithms, user reviews, multi-channel offerings, informative and educational content, and a mobile app for on-the-go access. All of these features come together to ensure users have all they need to make informed decisions and find the best deals.

Retrospect and Future Vision: Temy’s Impact and Facile.it’s Market Prospects

Before the collaboration, Facile.it was already an established player in the Italian tech market, generating over 140 million euros in 2021 alone and serving more than 5 million customers. However, the rapidly evolving tech landscape necessitated an infusion of fresh ideas and innovation, and this is where Temy stepped in.

Temy’s involvement has not just been a technological intervention; it has been a strategic partnership that has enabled Facile.it to enhance its services and maintain competitiveness. The mutual growth experienced through this partnership reflects how the right collaboration can power businesses to explore new heights.

Facile.it targets a growing market in Italy, focusing on a spectrum of sectors ranging from insurance and loans to home internet rates and automobiles. With its continual growth and Temy’s unwavering support, Facile.it aims to secure its place as the market leader in the foreseeable future.

The Ongoing Journey of a Winning Partnership

The partnership between Facile.it and Temy has blossomed from a contractual agreement into a deep-seated collaboration of shared goals and mutual growth. Facile.it and Temy, each with its unique strengths, have found common ground to work towards an objective that not only benefits them but also creates value for millions of Italians.

From overcoming the initial phase of alignment to delivering key projects, Temy’s team has become an essential part of Facile.it’s operations. The alliance of Facile.it and Temy is a testament to how tech collaborations can push the boundaries of innovation and customer service, creating lasting value for all. This successful partnership sets the stage for more exciting projects, affirming the commitment to technological advancement and customer satisfaction. The journey continues, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds.

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