Crafting Connections: Leigh Sevin’s Journey to Sustainable Growth with Endear’s Innovative CRM

Leigh Sevin on Building Endear: Sustainable Growth & Customer-Centric Innovation

In the bustling realm of entrepreneurship and tech innovation, stories of trailblazing founders offer invaluable insights and inspiration. One such visionary is Leigh Sevin, co-founder of Endear, a pioneering CRM platform tailored for omnichannel retail brands. This week on the "Bright Founders Talk" podcast, hosted by Temy, an international software development company, Leigh shares her journey from the early days of brainstorming to the impactful realization of Endear. 

Based in New York City, Endear strives to equip retail salespeople with robust tools akin to those used by tech giants like HubSpot and Salesforce, enabling effective customer engagement through email and text. Leigh's narrative is not just about technology, but the philosophy of fostering authentic relationships with customers, a strategy that has distinguished Endear in the competitive market. 

From rebranding from "Arthur" to "Endear" to capturing the essence of customer loyalty through innovative tech solutions, Leigh’s story is a compelling testament to the power of vision, adaptability, and perseverance in today’s dynamic business landscape.

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Building Authentic Connections: Leigh Sevin's Journey with Endear

Leigh Sevin, co-founder of Endear, brings a fresh perspective on modernizing retail with a CRM designed for the unique needs of omnichannel brands. Unlike traditional systems that miss the personal touch, Endear aims to transform how retailers communicate with customers. "It's all about making sure they feel connected to you," Leigh emphasizes. This personal approach to technology underpins Endear's mission to make every customer interaction feel genuine and tailored, a crucial edge in today’s competitive market.

Endear wasn't always known by its current name. The rebranding from "Arthur" to "Endear" marked a significant shift towards embracing the core value of authentic relationship-building. Leigh describes it as a pivotal moment to align the company's identity with its mission. The new name, Endear, encapsulates their goal to help brands create lasting connections with their customers, ensuring they choose familiarity and trust over fleeting consumer interactions.

Navigating the early days with her co-founder Jeanette Shah, Leigh recounts the evolutionary path of their startup. From humble beginnings post their Venture for America fellowship to a significant pivot in 2019, the duo has focused on leveraging e-commerce technologies to benefit physical retail spaces. Leigh’s insight into the industry’s hesitation towards new technologies reveals a keen understanding of market dynamics. "We started with companies open to new tech, like those using Shopify," she explains, highlighting a strategy of aligning with innovative, forward-thinking retailers to introduce their robust CRM solution.

Empowering Retail with AI and a Human Touch: Leigh Sevin on Endear's Innovative 'Sales Chat'

Leigh Sevin dives into the details of their latest innovation, the 'Sales Chat' feature, designed to revolutionize how retailers engage with customers online. Unlike the typical support queries that clutter customer service lines, Sales Chat focuses on enhancing the buying experience by addressing pre-purchase questions with expertise. Leigh explains, "We really oriented Sales Chat around getting to those questions that are going to drive more transactions on your site." This approach not only improves customer satisfaction but also boosts sales by ensuring shoppers receive knowledgeable and personalized service at the crucial decision-making point.

We really oriented Sales Chat around getting to those questions that are going to drive more transactions on your site

As Endear continues to refine its offerings, Leigh emphasizes the importance of building features based on real user feedback rather than assumptions. The strategy of starting simple and iterating based on customer needs has proven effective. "What matters to them, you would never guess," Leigh notes, highlighting how direct customer input has been pivotal in shaping their product development. This feedback loop ensures that Endear remains responsive and relevant, continuously adapting to meet the evolving demands of the retail landscape.

On the tech horizon, Leigh is particularly excited about the potential of AI to streamline operations and enhance user experiences subtly. She argues that the integration of AI should be seamless and service-oriented, enhancing productivity without the users necessarily being aware of the technology at work. "The objective is to make the product better, even if the user doesn't know," she says. This philosophy underscores Endear's commitment to using cutting-edge technology to facilitate, not complicate, the human aspects of retail interactions.

Networking and Innovation: Leigh Sevin's Key to Building Endear's Unique CRM Solution

Networking was the cornerstone of Endear's early success. As a startup, forging trust with initial customers was crucial, especially when the product was still in its nascent stages. Leigh reflects on those early days with a mix of nostalgia and insight, "All our first customers came through our network. It’s a long game, but treating it as such has been essential." This approach has not only sustained but also evolved, as Leigh continues to find value in networking with peers and partners, gathering ideas and insights that fuel both personal growth and business innovation.

All our first customers came through our network… It’s a long game, but treating it as such has been essential

As Endear matured, the company distinguished itself by eschewing traditional retail models and instead, drawing from the CRM advancements in the tech industry. Leigh and her team brought a data-driven, user-friendly approach to retail CRM systems, which was revolutionary. Most retail associates, she notes, are disconnected from the wealth of data their companies hold—data that could transform how they engage with customers. "We said, you need to trust your store associates with this information... you're going to 10x their productivity by just allowing us to help you share that data in a safe, digestible way," Leigh explains, highlighting the transformational impact of Endear's platform on in-store interactions.

Looking ahead, Leigh is optimistic yet realistic about the future. She anticipates a continued positive trajectory for Endear, thanks to a deep understanding of market needs and the ability to respond adeptly. The focus remains on leveraging data to enhance customer relationships, ensuring that each new feature or product aligns with this overarching goal. Leigh's forward-thinking approach is summed up in her philosophy: "It's about connecting features with the overall understanding of your customer, enhancing that relationship." This clarity and commitment to core values promise to guide Endear as it navigates the evolving retail landscape.

Cultivating Sustainable Growth: Leigh Sevin's Approach to Building Endear Thoughtfully and Ethically

Leigh Sevin is clear about one thing: Endear is not a "growth at all costs" kind of company. In an age where fast-scaling startups are often celebrated, Leigh and her team take a more measured approach. "We really think about growing a sustainable business that will last," she says, underscoring the importance of not compromising the quality of their product or the trust of their customers for explosive growth. This philosophy stems from a deep-seated belief that mishandling a product that customers love and want would be "criminal." It's a refreshing take in the competitive tech landscape, emphasizing longevity over fleeting success.

We really think about growing a sustainable business that will last

During challenging times, Leigh finds her primary source of motivation from Endear's customers themselves. The enthusiasm and feedback from brands that love Endear's product fuel her perseverance and optimism. "Hearing them love our product is what makes it all worth it and keeps me personally going," Leigh shares. This customer-first mindset not only drives her during tough times but also affirms the company's impact on its clients' operations, making Endear a mission-critical part of their businesses. This deep connection with their user base highlights a core strength of Endear—the ability to genuinely enhance how brands operate and engage with their customers.

Looking to the future, Leigh remains optimistic yet pragmatic about the path ahead. She anticipates a continuation of the strong momentum Endear has experienced, driven by ongoing dialogue with customers to better understand and meet their needs. This loop of feedback and improvement is crucial for maintaining relevance and effectiveness in a market that is constantly evolving. Leigh's focus on sustainable growth and her commitment to maintaining a high standard of service exemplify her balanced approach to entrepreneurship—an approach that values both ethical business practices and the pursuit of innovation.

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