
From Challenges to Change: André Alcalde’s Journey of Innovation and Global Impact at CELUS

In the realm of technological innovation, few stories captivate as distinctly as that of André Alcalde, Co-Founder of CELUS. Our recent video interview with André at the Bright Founders Talk, hosted by Temy—an international software development firm—offered profound insights into the challenges and triumphs of the electronics industry. 

André, a Brazilian native with a rich background in electronics engineering, shared his journey from industry professional to entrepreneurial visionary. In 2018, alongside two other co-founders, André launched CELUS with a mission to revolutionize electronics development. His company focuses on enhancing the efficiency of engineers by streamlining component selection and schematic development. 

This initiative is akin to the transformative shifts seen in software development over the past decades. Through our discussion, André illuminated the inception of CELUS, born from a unique convergence of minds within Munich’s UnternehmerTUM network. This conversation not only explored the technical intricacies of electronics engineering but also highlighted the collaborative spirit essential for innovation.

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André Alcalde: Rewiring the Electronics Industry with Innovation and Collaboration

André Alcalde’s journey from a seasoned hardware developer to a pioneering co-founder of CELUS encapsulates a blend of expertise and visionary zeal. During our insightful conversation on Bright Founders Talk, André detailed his transition into entrepreneurship, spurred by the pressing needs within the electronics industry. “Back in Brazil, as I navigated through the complexities of hardware development and grappled with endless datasheets, I realized the urgent need for innovation,” André shared. This realization led to the birth of CELUS, aimed at simplifying the lives of electronics engineers by streamlining the component selection process.

The inception of CELUS was not a solitary venture but a collective brainstorm that sparked during a serendipitous interaction within Munich's UnternehmerTUM network. André and his future partners, despite their diverse backgrounds, found a common thread in their desire to enhance the efficiency of electronic design. “It's about doing for electronics what has been done for software development—making it smarter, faster, and more efficient,” André explained. Their idea quickly coalesced into a concrete mission to support engineers in navigating the increasingly complex landscape of electronics components.

It's about doing for electronics what has been done for software development—making it smarter, faster, and more efficient

One might wonder how such distinct paths converged in a network designed to foster innovation. André recalls, “We didn’t know each other at all, but we met through a Slack channel linked to the network. It was our shared frustrations and aspirations that brought us together.” This organic partnership was built on a foundation of mutual understanding and a shared vision, driving them to establish CELUS in 2018. André emphasized, “There’s something magical about finding people who share your vision so completely.”

Charting New Territories: André Alcalde on Navigating CELUS' Rocky Start Towards Revolutionary Tech Solutions

As André Alcalde recounts the early days of CELUS, it’s clear that their journey was anything but smooth. "Right from the start, it was definitely rocky," André admits, echoing the tumultuous beginnings familiar to many startups. Limited resources and a plethora of ideas meant that the CELUS team had to be discerning, choosing which visions to pursue and which to set aside. Their initial challenge was to not just understand but anticipate the needs of a complex industry, pitching their nascent concept to potential first customers and aligning closely with market demands.

Right from the start, it was definitely rocky

The strategy was straightforward yet demanding: attend numerous industry events, pitch relentlessly, and engage companies unfamiliar with the nuances of electronics development. These early interactions were crucial. "We were talking to companies to understand what they really needed to develop electronics quicker and faster," says André. This feedback loop was essential, helping CELUS to refine its offerings and align more closely with the actual needs of the market, rather than just their initial assumptions.

The turning point came at the end of their first year, marked by their first round of funding from angel investors. This financial boost enabled them to breathe a little easier, expand their team, and delve deeper into the untapped potential of their product. André highlights a critical gap in the market: "There was a part of the development process not covered by anyone—the initial selection of components." CELUS aimed to streamline this overwhelming process, thereby accelerating the development of electronics. Their focus on optimizing this early stage of design not only set them apart but also cemented their value proposition in a competitive market, leading to the development of their innovative online platform.

Staying Ahead of the Curve: André Alcalde Discusses Keeping CELUS Relevant in a Rapidly Evolving Market

André Alcalde, with the calm assurance of someone who’s navigated many a storm, explains how CELUS stays competitive in the fast-paced world of tech. “We strive to quickly bring valuable features to market, assessing swiftly if a product meets customer needs,” André details the dynamic approach that keeps his company a step ahead. Unlike established players struggling with outdated systems, CELUS benefits from its inception in the modern tech era, leveraging cutting-edge cloud technologies and machine learning to outpace competitors. This agility, André notes, is crucial: “We had the opportunity to start fresh with modern technologies, which is a significant advantage.”

We strive to quickly bring valuable features to market, assessing swiftly if a product meets customer needs

Continuing, André delves into the core strategies that empower CELUS. He emphasizes the importance of data specificity for maintaining a competitive edge. “Data for specific use cases is one of the main contributors to competitive advantage,” André points out, highlighting the company’s focus on harnessing detailed, use-case-specific data to drive innovations. This meticulous attention to relevant data not only enhances product development but also ensures that CELUS’s offerings are intricately tailored to market demands.

But technology is just one piece of the puzzle. The true spirit of CELUS, André reveals, lies in its people. “The team is the most important thing,” he asserts, proudly describing how CELUS’s multicultural, diverse team enriches the company’s vision and execution. This diversity fosters a wide array of perspectives, vital for nuanced decision-making and innovation. André is particularly proud of the robust, inclusive culture they’ve nurtured, which not only propels the company forward but also mirrors the global community they serve.

Embracing Challenges Abroad: André Alcalde Shares His Journey and Insights for Global Innovators

When asked about his personal experiences relocating and starting a big project in a new country, André Alcalde offers heartfelt advice and reflection on his own journey from Brazil to Germany. "Moving to a new country brings extra hurdles like language and cultural differences, but these shouldn't deter you," André shares with a reassuring tone. His initial days in Germany were challenging, navigating the complexities of the electronics industry without the cushion of familiar surroundings or language. Yet, André emphasizes resilience and adaptability: "Do not get intimidated by these challenges. There’s always a way to pursue your targets."

Moving to a new country brings extra hurdles like language and cultural differences, but these shouldn't deter you

This philosophy of perseverance and adaptation is central to André's advice for anyone embarking on similar journeys. He believes that understanding the innovation landscape of the new country is crucial. "Innovation is universal, but every country has its unique rhythm and approach to it," he explains. For André, it wasn't just about surviving in a new environment but thriving by immersing himself in the local culture and professional scene, thereby turning potential obstacles into stepping stones towards success.

Throughout the discussion, André reflects a deep belief in the potential of every individual to overcome barriers and achieve significant goals, regardless of the setting. "It's all about how much time and effort you are willing to invest in growing and adapting," he notes. This mindset not only helped him navigate his initial challenges but also continues to influence how he leads CELUS, aiming for global reach and impact. André's journey illustrates that with determination and the right approach, boundaries can indeed become opportunities for growth and innovation.

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